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Gold & Sunshine Coast Report issued at 5.35am Wednesday 1st May 2024

Surf & Beach Report

Weather Forecast: Partly cloudy, with a 60-70% chance of showers and a top temperature of 24°

Wind Forecast: 10kts S/SW early, becoming S/SE during the morning and freshening to 15-20kts plus during the day

Swell: 0.5-1m Easterly

Tides: Mooloolaba: Low @ 8.40am & 7.31pm … High @ 2pm

Snapper Rocks: Low @ 8.24am & 7.43pm … High @ 2.06pm

Best waves: With a forecast of light S/SW winds early, becoming S/SE during the morning and freshening through the day, there’ll be small clean waves on the points and early beach breaks on the open beaches, particularly between Maroochydore and Caloundra and Currumbin to Coolangatta. The Gold Coast Pro is scheduled at Snapper Rocks through Rainbow Bay until May 4th.. If it’s on today, you’ll have to surf outside the contest area, or at Currumbin Alley or Burleigh. On the Sunshine Coast, it’ll be once again, really small in inner the bays at Noosa, with little longboard sliders in the outer bays on the lower parts of the tide and The Bluff at Alex and Moffats are worth a look, but don’t expect too much

Best Beaches: Once again, with the chance of showers, it’s a mixed bag for a day at the beach. In the forecast moderate to fresh S/SE winds, the bays on the north side of the headlands at Noosa, Burleigh, Kirra, Greenmount and Rainbow Bay will be the most pleasant and safest beaches. There’s inshore holes and gutters along the open stretches of beach and any rips and sweep working around those features will be enhanced as the water drains off the beach on the afternoon ebb tide, so despite the small swell, make sure you swim in the patrolled areas marked by the red and yellow flags

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Surf & Beach Report

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