Gold & Sunshine Coast Report Issued at 5.25am 22nd February 2024


5-10kts SW/S early, forecast to become 10kts N/NE during the morning on the Gold Coast and 10kts E/NE on the Sunshine Coast


0.75-1m Easterly


High: 7.15am & 7.30pm … Low 1.45pm

Best waves:

Gold & Tweed Coasts: With the winds being light SW/S early, look for waves on the beach breaks and the points, although with the approaching morning high tide, the points will become full. If the wind swings N/NE during the morning as predicted, the best chance of getting a few waves will be beach breaks at Southport Spit and on the south side of the headlands at Fingal, Cabarita, Hasting Point and Cape Byron

Sunshine Coast: Look for early beach breaks on the open beaches while the wind is SW/S. The points are small and as we approach high tide, are too full. If the wind swings E/NE during the morning as forecast, wave quality will deteriorate

Best Beaches:

The forecast is for a mostly sunny day on the Gold Coast and partly cloudy day on the Sunshine Coast. Use sun protection and swim in patrolled areas marked by the red and yellow flags

As we approach the full moon on Saturday night, tidal differences are getting bigger and from this morning through to early afternoon when tide is ebbing and the water drains off the beach, any rips and sweep working in and around the inshore holes and gutters will be enhanced

Check along the tide line for bluebottles before you go in the water, look for stinger warning signs in the patrolled areas, or ask a lifeguard if there’s been any about. If you are stung seek help from the beach patrol