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Gold & Sunshine Coast Report updated at 11.45am 13th February 2024

Surf & Beach Report


The wind direction today is harder to pick than a broken nose. On both coasts it was E/SE through the night and was forecast to be 10-15kts from that direction today. However, on the Sunshine Coast winds have swung back to the SE in the past hour or so. How long they stay from that direction is anyone’s guess


1-1.5m Easterly


Low: 4.15am & 5pm … High: 10.45am

Best waves:

The Easterly swell is hanging in, but surf quality was pretty ordinary early this morning due to onshore winds through the night. The wind remains E/SE on the Gold Coast and although not as good as the past few days have been, there are rideable waves from Snapper Rocks to Kirra, Currumbin Alley and Bureigh.

On the Sunshine, Coast the point waves at Noosa and The Bluff at Alex on the Sunshine Coast are pretty clean with the wind now SE. The tide is still full now, but when it falls off and there’s less water on the banks, there should be a few nice ones to enjoy

Best Beaches:

The forecast is for a partly cloudy day with a low chance of showers on the Gold Coast and a higher chance on the Sunshine Coast. The best beaches for a swim in the forecast E/SE winds are the sheltered bays on the north side of the headlands at Main Beach Noosa, Burleigh, Kirra and Greenmount

Tidal differences are slowly decreasing, but there’s still a pretty big late morning high tide today. When that big tide ebbs through the afternoon, the water draining off the beach will enhance the rips and sweep working around the inshore holes and gutters. Use sun protection and swim only in the patrolled areas marked by the red and yellow flags

In winds from the E/SE to E/NE, there’s always a chance bluebottles will be blown inshore, so check along the tide line before you go in the water, look for stinger warning signs in the patrolled areas, or ask a lifeguard

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