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Gold & Sunshine Coast Report Issued 5.30am 10th February 2024

Surf & Beach Report


Light SW/SE early, forecast to become 10-15kts SE this morning, freshening to 15-20kts plus during the day


1-1.5m Easterly


High: 8.30am … Low: 3pm

Best waves:

We are in the time of the year when we get a lot of SE wind days and it’s another one today. In Sou’easters, the cleanest waves are on the points and in the bays on the north side of headlands. There’s a big morning high tide, so most breaks are a bit full and the best quality waves will late morning and through the afternoon on the lower parts of the tide

Best Beaches:

The forecast is for a partly cloudy day with a high chance of showers. The best beaches for a swim in SE winds are the sheltered bays on the north side of the headlands at Noosa, Mooloolaba, Burleigh, Kirra, Greenmount and Rainbow Bay

It’s New Moon tonight and there’s a big morning high tide. When that big tide ebbs, the increased volume of water draining off the beach, will enhance the rips and sweep working around the inshore holes and gutters. Despite cloud cover, use sun protection and swim only in the patrolled areas marked by the red and yellow flags

Please have a look at “Learn to Read the Beach” on this page. It’s a good thing to learn how to identify and survive rips  

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